Our Approach
The experts of the Foreign Law Joint Enterprise of Atsumi & Sakai and Janssen are asking the right questions and finding for you the right answers in the fields of cross border transactions, banking (including syndicated loans, securitization/structured finance, and project finance), M&A, energy, oil/gas, construction/infrastructure, antitrust law, cross border litigation and insolvency/ADR, the creation and management of investment funds, IP/IT practice both inbound and outbound, as well as labor and employment law.
We assist our clients with:
Structuring Cross-Border Transactions:
We enable clients to evaluate and optimise alternatives throughout the entire process: Identifying a partner or investment target, managing negotiations, then implementing the transaction.
By pointing out the relevant legal, tax, technical and cultural interfaces we enable our clients to make best use of their industry know-how and their standing in the competitive Japanese and European markets.
We enable our clients to make use of negotiations as a pivotal point to build trust for the whole transaction, without ceding ground on the central issues. Fluency in both speaking and writing the relevant local languages and the ability to manage course of the negotiations are the key to success in Japan and Europe.
Implementation of Clients’ Standards:
We help our clients implement their standards in a transaction of an investment by adjusting the clients` standards to the local standards and practices, without compromising their essence.
Best practice recognition identified by such processes is an important added value of acquisitions and cooperation.
Implementation of Clients’ Standards:
Our transaction management and documentation is focused on effectively assisting the client in the actual implementation of the transaction after closing.
M&A contracts are supported by simulations of their balance sheet effects (for the target as well as the purchaser and/or seller). Due diligence reports create full scope documentations of the target and/or transaction. To-Do lists provide concise guidance on issues to be followed up.
Saving legal costs through organized documentation:
Organizing and standardizing the legal documentation of our clients helps to avoid ineffective use of expensive legal resources.
Moreover, cost arguments can be used to keep negotiations close to standardized paths, often allowing to burden the costs of making deviations legally acceptable on the other party. Training and hot-line support for in-house counsels enable our clients to effectively use such features.
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Please find below some sample presentation which outline our professional expertise:
- Overview And Introduction To The Japanese Corporate Law
- Establishment Of A Joint-Stock Company In Japan (Kabushiki Kaisha)
- Multi-Dimensional Governance in Japanese Entities
- Privacy Protection for International HR
- Company Division in Japan
- Acquiring Publicly Listed Companies in Japan – Rules for Tender Offer Bids and Third Party Allotment

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