

Our Approach The experts of the Foreign Law Joint Enterprise of Atsumi & Sakai and Janssen are asking the right questions and finding for you the right answers in the fields of cross border transactions, banking (including syndicated loans, securitization/structured finance, and project finance), M&A, energy, oil/gas, construction/infrastructure, antitrust law, cross border litigation and insolvency/ADR,…

Crisis Management
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Crisis Management

Our Approach We get a short term mandate to analyse the situation, execute interviews , research with all stake holders and develop suggestions for improvements . Clients can choose to implement the improvements with CBI support or internally. In most real crisis situations, we join the management team in order to achieve the necessary leverage…

Automotive R&D
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Automotive R&D

Developing automotive products for and with overseas customers will put you in the unique position that you have to adjust to a variety of new challenges and distinctive characteristics like: We can help you overcome those issues with our long-time experience in the automotive sector and help you realize your projects timely, in-budget and of…

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Sustainable Development is based on simultaneous contribution to Economy, Society and Ecology. It is financially viable, supports social progress and is protective to the environment. We support companies to identify the success factors for a sustainable development, we manage the projects and train the organization to mobilise the inherent knowhow, experience and capabilities of the…

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To know where you stand is the only way to have a successful start A professional coach and advisor is permanently and systematically analyzing the performance, status and progress of its client, in the same way as a professional sports-team coach checks a team’s performance. Why are companies successful? Why do they fail? Where can…