Executive Search

Executive Search

EXECUTIVE SEARCH The G&S Asia Group is a full-service Executive Search Consultancy Network, catering mainly to the needs of German, Swiss and Austrian SME’s in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other key regions in Asia. G&S stands for “Guidance and Support”. We manage assignments according to a strict code of ethics, guiding and…

Automotive R&D
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Automotive R&D

Developing automotive products for and with overseas customers will put you in the unique position that you have to adjust to a variety of new challenges and distinctive characteristics like: We can help you overcome those issues with our long-time experience in the automotive sector and help you realize your projects timely, in-budget and of…

Sales and Marketing
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Sales and Marketing

Why are we different While we advise you about cross-border selling, we represent companies from Asia in Europe and vice versa. Cross-border sales are a daily reality and not a theoretical approach. “Create and Maintain Connections IS Essential For Business Success” The further the sales function is decentralized and disconnected from central functions, the more…

Project Management
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Project Management

Your Experienced Partner in Cross-Border Project Management. Cross-Border Project Management presents unique challenges stemming partly from the company itself and from national cultural differences. This is particularly true for projects involving Asia and Europe. Project Management is first-of-all leadership, but will not be successful without professional communication, stakeholder-, as well as time-, cost- and specification…